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Space Ed

How small are we in the scale of the universe? - Alex Hofeldt


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Let’s Begin…

In 1995, scientists pointed the Hubble Telescope at an area of the sky near the Big Dipper. The location was apparently empty, and the whole endeavor was risky – what, if anything, was going to show up? But what came back was nothing short of spectacular: an image of over 1,500 galaxies glimmering in a tiny sliver of the universe. Alex Hofeldt helps us understand the scale of this image.

Additional Resources for you to Explore

Hubble Deep Field Image Credit: R. Williams (STScI), the Hubble Deep Field Team, and NASA.

The Hubble Deep Field images are some of the most iconic images ever taken. Visit for an in-depth and up-to-date reference regarding the image, the telescope, and the spinoff information. Science is a powerful tool to create personal and global changes in our collective society. Read this article from Leah Shafer to learn more about the importance of STEM.

Modern science tells a story. A story written by the grandest minds, people, and technologies. An understanding of images like the eXtreme Deep Field Image connects us to the cosmos. As we learn more about how immense the Universe is, it's natural to wonder about our place in it as a planet, as a species, and as individuals. After all, the probability of each of our existence is vanishingly small. 

In closing, look to scientists like Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Brian Cox, and Neil deGrasse Tyson for more information. Some great videos to get you started are Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan and The Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Go to Beautiful Dust Specks to listen to Alex Hofeldt's podcast about how ordinary moments of our lives are truly extraordinary.

About Space Ed

Space Ed helps you untangle the mysteries of space with the universe’s best videos on everything from Einstein's theory of relativity to what it would take to live on Mars. Brush up on the science, philosophy and mystery of space, because the fabric of the universe is the same fabric that connects us all.

Meet The Creators

  • Content Producer Gerta Xhelo
  • Editorial Producer Alex Rosenthal
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
  • Associate Producer Jessica Ruby
  • Script Editor Mia Nacamulli
  • Director Yukai Du
  • Educator Alex Hofeldt
  • Animator Tom Matuszewski
  • Producer Tim Coates
  • Composer Tim Arndt
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