What is the universe made of? - Dennis Wildfogel
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Let’s Begin…
The atoms around you have existed for billions of years -- and most
originated in the flaming, gaseous core of a star. Dennis Wildfogel
tells the captivating tale of these atoms' long journeys from the Big
Bang to the molecules they form today.
If all people understood the common heritage that we have with the Earth and our environment - namely, that the very atoms that make up our bodies were formed in stars, just like the atoms in rocks, in the atmosphere, and in every living thing - would people be more inclined to treat the environment with more care?
About Space Ed
Space Ed helps you untangle the mysteries of space with the universe’s best videos on everything from Einstein's theory of relativity to what it would take to live on Mars. Brush up on the science, philosophy and mystery of space, because the fabric of the universe is the same fabric that connects us all.
Meet The Creators
- Narrator Dennis Wildfogel
- Director Adam Comiskey
- Animator Ash Barker
- Artist Samantha Davies